Workshop of teachers on 'Class Interaction'

“The strength of our student relationships makes the difference in translating our passion for teaching into their passion for learning.” - Beth Morrow Keeping this thought in mind and to ensure the progress of the school, it is imperative to keep the teachers well-informed with the changing trends in education and various creative teaching techniques. As part of this enterprise, RPS International School Sec 50 Gurugram organized a workshop for the teachers on Wednesday, 21th January 2020 on the topic ‘Class interaction’. The highly knowledgeable resource person and the Founder director of Excellence Educo Mr. Bhaavesh Suryakant conducted the workshop. Mr. Bhaavesh started the workshop with an ice breaker, sharing his experiences and knowledge in this field. He apprised the teachers in detail about creative thinking, communication skills, developing value system etc. During his interactive session Mr.Bhaavesh addressed the queries of the teachers. The workshop was informat...